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Madge & Guy's personality clash

Was Madonna and Guy Ritchie’s marriage doomed by their too-similar personalities? That’s the inside scoop from British actor (and longtime friend of Madonna) Richard E. Grant.

Grant is currently starring in the Sydney production of My Fair Lady but took time out from playing Professor Henry Higgins to give aspiring actors the benefit of his wisdom at the Sydney Theatre Company yesterday.

Talking about Madonna, who directed him in her recent film Filth And Wisdom, he recalled how last year he was telling her about a theory that men and women have a dominant masculine or feminine personality.
He told the audience: “I told her that my personality was feminine-masculine while my wife’s was masculine-feminine which was why our marriage worked, and said I could see that she was really masculine-masculine – she agreed. “But then I realised that Guy is really masculine-masculine as well and I said, ‘God how does that work?’ She said, ‘It’s a war zone all the time.’ “

Grant added: “It’s really sad because she’s a lovely woman but she keeps going for these very masculine men who are never going to work for her.”
